Sunday, October 7, 2012

In the beginning

I've never been good at keeping blogs. I always start one, but then I never keep up with it. We'll see how this one goes. 

This is not like the other blogs I've started. This is not necessarily where I am going to tell about my day or what is going on in my life as far as family or friends or activities. The purpose of this blog is for me to share my feelings on Scripture and God in general. 

I make no promises that what I say will be accurate. I am a flawed human being, so my theology, at times, is pretty messed up. I can only pray that what I write will come from my heart and that God will direct my words. I don't even know if anyone will read this, which doesn't matter. As of late, I've felt like Jacob - wrestling with the Almighty. This is a place where I can put my thoughts, desires, struggles, etc. The reason I'm making this public is that perhaps God can use my words to help someone else. 

I also make no promises that I will be able to keep this going for very long. I'm going to try to make time, if only 10 minutes a week. More than anything this will be a place where I write out my thoughts and what God has been teaching me. 

I pray that God will help me grow through this, and that in the end He alone will be glorified.

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