Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Do Not Worry

If there is one thing that I struggle with the most on a daily basis, it would be worrying. Anyone who knows anything about me can attest to this fact. I struggle with anxiety daily and for many different reasons.

The funny thing about this problem, though, is that I fully understand that God has everything under control. I know that He has a perfect plan and that nothing I do will change His will for my life. Yet I still worry... about everything. I worry about grades and tests. I worry about something happening to my family or friends. I worry about what other people think of me (this one is especially stupid). 

I have a friend who is also struggling with anxiety. She asked me if I thought that worrying is a sin. My answer to her was yes, but at the time, I wasn't quite sure WHY I thought that. The bottom line is that Jesus told us not to do it, so if we do it and disobey Him, we are sinning. 

Look up Matthew 6:25-34. A wise friend of mine referenced these verses to me. I love these verses, yet they are always very convicting for me. Jesus gives us several reasons why worrying is pointless and stupid. He shows that us He takes care of the birds. He makes sure they are fed. He then says in the second half of verse 26 and in verse 27, "Are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?

God counts your life as far more precious than that of the birds. So if He takes care of them, why wouldn't He take care of you? Why do we go on worrying about things that are of no importance when the God of the universe has our futures already laid out? Our worrying is NOT going to help accomplish anything. Just as the verse says, we are not going to be able to add any time to our lives by worrying. 

I'm coming to the realization that in the end, my grades don't matter. Yes, it is important to always do our best for the glory of God, but there is a difference between that and putting that object or thing ahead of God. The minute we make an idol out of our grades, or schoolwork, or boyfriend, or girlfriend, or whatever, then we have a problem. God should be the ONLY one that we worship. 

When we get to Heaven, no one is going to remember that test we failed in college or the time that someone said something bad about our appearance. We will forget all about what others thought of us. It's going to be immaterial and petty. So if these things don't matter in eternity, why do we let them matter now? 

Worrying is a choice. We make a conscious effort to worry every time it happens. Perhaps it is not that easy for you to just stop worrying, though. I know that for me worry has become such a burden to me that it feels as if I can never get rid of it. WRONG. There is no burden that Jesus cannot take away. He went to the cross bearing every burden and sin that we have, and He took care of them all. With His help, there is NOTHING that we cannot overcome. This includes worry. 

Maybe worrying isn't something that you necessarily struggle with. But I can guarantee that there is, without a doubt, something that is heavy on your heart. All of us have sins that consume us and separate us from close communication with the Father. Examine your heart and pick out those specific sins. Then take them to the Throne of Grace and lay them at the feet of Jesus. He knows that we cannot do this alone. He is perfectly aware that we are humans and we are weak. He will never turn us away when we need His help. 

Don't let these sins, whatever they may be, control your life. Give them over to Jesus, and start living your life with His purpose in mind. It is such a freeing feeling. 

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