Tuesday, October 9, 2012

"I was blind but now I see!"

One of the most amazing things about the human body, in my opinion, is our eyes. The eye is so complex and beautiful. With our eyes we can take in the world around us. We see nature, we see beauty, we see life, we see others. Think of the most beautiful thing on the earth that you've ever seen. For me, it's difficult to name just one. In 2008, my family was able to take a trip to Alaska, which was amazing. I was able to see glaciers, mountains, beautiful forests. However, this summer, I was able to go to Peru. There, I was able to visit Machu Picchu, hike to the top of Huayna Picchu (Google it if you don't know what it is) and feel as if I was on top of the world. The scenery was breath-taking, and I felt closer to God physically than I have anywhere else in the whole world. 

Now imagine that all being taken away. Imagine being born without your eyesight. Imagine being blind. Imagine not knowing what your parents or siblings look like. Imagine not knowing what you look like. In a way, it might be nice not to have to worry about your outward appearance, but still, blindness can be devastating. 

This was the predicament for an unnamed guy in John 9. The Bible tells us that this man was blind from birth. He had never seen another human being before. He hadn't experienced the physical beauty of the earth. I'm sure that when he woke up that particular morning, he was just expecting a normal day. 

This was no normal day. This man was about to be touched by the Hand of the Son of God. 

This man was just sitting there, minding his own business, when he hears voices. Next thing he knows, someone is putting mud on his eyes. Now I'm sorry, but I probably would not have reacted too kindly to this, especially since this mud was made with someone's saliva. "Seriously, guys? This is NOT funny." But then he hears a voice say, "Go, wash in the pool of Siloam." (verse 7) I would have thought this to be pretty strange, but the next thing the Bible says is that the man went and washed in the pool, just as the voice told him. 

The end of that sentence blows me away, "...and came back seeing." (verse 7b)

Can you even picture this? This man had not seen anything in his entire life, but in one moment, after being touched by the Creator of the universe, his eyes are healed AND HE CAN SEE. Imagine the look on his face as he takes in the sights around him. Imagine his ecstasy when he sees people around him, when he sees the landscape, the water in the pool, the animals in the streets. I can just picture him shouting for joy and maybe dancing around. 

His moment of joy is cut short when people start to question him. Honestly, I would said, "Listen, guys, can you just leave me alone for a while? I'm kind of busy drinking in the wonders of creation right now!" 

Long story short, the Pharisees get involved. It seems like wherever Jesus goes, the Pharisees aren't far behind. They drag in this man's parents, who testify that he is indeed their son who was blind from birth. The people drag the man back and say, "Look, this guy is a sinner! Give the glory to God!" 

The man's reply is amazing. Verse 25, "Whether he is a sinner I do not know. One thing I do know, that though I was blind, now I see." It's just like the song "Amazing Grace" - "...was blind but now I see." 

You see, this is exactly where I was, and where you were, and perhaps even where you still are. If you haven't accepted Christ as your Savior, then you are blind. You cannot know true happiness, joy or beauty. Yes, you are able to physically see the world around you, but you are blind spiritually. All of us have been there, but by God's grace, some of us can now see. 

I was six years old when I accepted Christ into my heart. I finally realized that the aching in my heart could only be eased by one Person. There was nothing I could do on my own to make the emptiness go away. I knew that I needed Christ more than anything else in the entire world. I got out of bed and prayed with my sister. I asked Jesus to live inside of me and never leave (and He never, ever, ever will leave). At that very instant, God took His pen and wrote my name in the Lamb's Book of Life. The angels rejoiced, and everyone in Heaven partied. For I was a lost sheep who had found my Shepherd. 

It may not have hit me at that time because I was so young, but my life has never been the same. I am a radically different person. I am nowhere near where I should be by any means, but slowly and surely God is showing me the path He wants me to take. He took the mud, placed it on my eyes and bid me wash in the blood of the Lamb. I can now know true happiness because of the simple words of that prayer. 

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me!
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind but now I see!

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